Cloud Optics Limited - IT Service Providers
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Cloud Optics equip you with the confidence and strategy to reverse the balance of power when engaging with IBM, Microsoft, Oracle & SAP.

We navigate you through the complexity of software licensing.

We make the complex understandable, actionable and ultimately empower you to proactively achieve measurable and tangible business results.

Our 100% vendor-independent approach means that when you engage our highly experienced and skilled Software License Consultants you reap the full benefit in contractual negotiations.

Whether you are facing a vendor-driven licensing audit, reviewing your IT strategy and your software requirements for the next 5-7 years, or simply looking to achieve the best contractual licensing agreement, we’re here to help.

We are on your side.

We walk the talk and our results speak for themselves:

A Big Four Accounting Firm | 190k Seats | Contract Value $180m

“Cloud Optics have led two consulting engagements, both very high profile, and large dollar value. To both engagements, Cloud Optics have delivered significant value. We would recommend Cloud Optics to any customer that is looking to obtain both strategic as well as tactical guidance in order to optimize their licensing agreements…”

So whether you're working on your Microsoft license agreement renewal, embroiled in an audit, or want to maximize your IT budgets we are here to help.

Skills and Features



React Native


Web Development

iOS App


IT Services





Web Design


Asp.NetReactUnited KingdomeCommerceUI/UX DesignCloud