bynary GmbH - IT Service Providers
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With 25 years of IT experience, we as binary GmbH are one of the oldest IT companies in Essen and can look back on a considerable success story. With one of the largest data centers in Essen, we are now one of the leading IT system houses in the Ruhr area.

We have been offering our customers a full service in the field of IT services since 1992. With our focus on IT infrastructure, IT systems and Microsoft licensing, we stand by our customers as IT consultants, develop suitable solutions for individual requirements and implement them reliably. We operate all solutions at our customers' sites, from our own modern, highly available data center in Essen or from the cloud.

Reliability, scalability and a high degree of flexibility are your IT requirements? Then you are in good hands with us! Contact binary GmbH today.

Skills and Features

Web Development

Software Development

Mobile App Development

Web Design

FrontendBackendGermanyCRMData Science