BRIDGEWATER Prague - IT Service Providers
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We are a group of 30 professionals that helps companies find suitable IT specialists and IT specialists for new career challenges. We connect both banks - the specific needs of IT professionals and clearly formulated requirements of companies from multinational corporations to startups. In the same vein, we also focus on non-IT positions, especially middle and senior management and hard to fill roles. We operate both in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

The key to us is a human attitude, fairness, holding of words and agreements. We pride ourselves on openness and trust. Being the first choice of IT specialists, experts and companies - this is our vision, which we identify with and gradually move towards it.

Skills and Features

Web Design


Web Development



Software Development



Quality Assurance

E-Commerce Development

Mobile App Development



Czech Republicc#Software TestingVueJSPythonNodeJSUI/UX DesignC++