Bold Works GmbH - IT Service Providers
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Bold Works is a collective of creative and technical experts who design, develop, and manage the teams building amazing digital products.

We are a group of designers, thinkers, and doers—we create amazing digital products. We also work differently. We are not an agency, but a network of independent minds and senior digital consultants who provide design and technical leadership, vision, and context.

We are a collective that organizes its teams around our clients. Bold Works provides interim company leadership, digital product teams, designers, and technical staff.

Our members come from agencies, corporates, and startups. We are former CEOs, CTOs, CPOs, lead designers, developers, hardware engineers, and project managers.

Bold Works operates as a facilitator, documenting your objectives, defining project requirements and mapping out a strategy to fulfill them. We provide a clear vision and a detailed plan. We find the right talent with the expertise and connections; we create a bold path forward to get things done right.

Skills and Features

iOS App

IT Services



E-Commerce Development

Web Design





React Native

eCommerceUI/UX DesignGermanyAsp.Net