Anzani Trading Group - IT Service Providers
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ATG - Anzani Trading Group - is a company that has been operating for 25 years in the world of business processes and in the strategic management of data:

  • Business Intelligence
  • Geomarketing
  • Dashboarding

From today we have entered the new era linked to artificial intelligence, creating competitive advantages for our customers.

We trained and gained experience from the top: large American and European multinationals, large Italian groups.
In the last 10 years, we have also taken care of small and medium-sized companies, which have the same needs but with different spending budgets.

We do a few things, but we do them well and with quality.
We know the business logic and we propose ourselves as a partner of our customers to harmonize data and processes.

NEW 2019

PARD® is the data analysis solution that allows you to quickly analyze data from all company software and applications, monitoring Business data in real-time and transforming information into "knowledge".

Skills and Features

Web Development

IT Services

Web Design

eCommerceSEOSEMMarketingSocial Media MarketingItalyDataBaseBusiness Intelligence